Florence Nightingale was born in1820 to a well-off English family living on inherited wealth. 1820年佛罗伦斯南丁格尔出生在英国一个继承了大批遗产的富裕家庭。
Indigenous peoples speak a majority of the world's languages, and have inherited and passed on a wealth of knowledge, artistic forms and religious and cultural traditions. 土著人民所讲的语言占世界语言种类的大多数,他们继承和传承了丰富的知识、各种艺术形式以及宗教和文化传统。
Most so-called baby boomers or people who were born in the middle of the last century made, rather than inherited, their wealth. 出生于上世纪中叶的所谓婴儿潮一代的富人,财富大多是自己挣得的,而不是继承来的。
Wealth-X and UBS said a massive wave of intergenerational wealth transfer from baby boomers to their heirs was under way, with the result that billionaires with partially inherited wealth were the fastest-growing segment of this population. Wealth-X和瑞银表示,财富从婴儿潮时代出生的人们向他们的继承者转移的巨大浪潮正在出现,结果是,部分财富为继承而来的亿万富翁数量增加最快。
Soon after that the father died, and the young man inherited all his wealth. 这个富人死后,他年轻的儿子继承了所有的财产。
Too much inherited wealth and the gene pool stagnates. 太多继承而来的财富会让社会基因库陷入停滞。
Clients, who increasingly tend to be entrepreneurs and business figures rather than families with inherited wealth, are highly knowledgeable and insist on a hands-on approach. 越来越多的客户是企业家或商界人士,而不是那些继承了上辈财富的家庭,他们有着丰富的知识,并坚持要亲历亲为。
The shift among the rich from those who have inherited their wealth to those who have earned it poses challenges for the private banking business especially in Europe. 富人群体从继承者向创业者的转变,给私人银行业务带来了挑战特别是在欧洲。
A poor American feels guilty at being poor, but less guilty than an American rentier who has inherited wealth but is doing nothing to increase it; 一个贫穷的美国人会因为穷而感到惭愧,但他的羞愧之情还不及一个继承了一笔财富却没办法使其增值的美国人;
As men of inherited wealth, the prime minister and chancellor cannot imagine the scrappy rage of the self-made entrepreneur drowning in red tape, suggests a Tory MP. 一位保守党议员暗示,作为富二代的这两位领导人几乎不敢想象私营企业家在遮天蔽日的官方文件前歇斯底里的情形。
Sociologically unlike the philosopher is a person of some inherited wealth chiefly landed property but whose way of life will be urban. 亚里士多德清楚地指明,不像哲学家,前者继承了一定程度的财富,主要是地产,但其生活模式。
A generation ago, private banking was largely dominated by clients who had inherited wealth. 一代人之前,私人银行的服务对象主要是那些继承了大笔遗产的客户。
Because he's inherited considerable personal wealth, he doesn't have to work. 因为他继承了可观的私人财产,所以用不着工作。
It's true I've known a couple of people who inherited wealth, and a couple more who achieved wealth via small business. 我确实认识一对夫妇继承了一笔财产,也认识一对夫妇做小生意赚了钱。
We have inherited ABN's China business and intend to maintain and develop it – especially in the area of wealth management. 我们已经继承了荷兰银行的中国业务,并且打算保持和发展这些业务&尤其是在财富管理领域。